Tanisha Jain
Apr 6, 2021

Hello everyone.!!

I have attended the AI on AWS workshop conducted by LinuxWorld informatics pvt limited under the guidance of World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga sir.

I have learned alot many things from this workshop, the workshop is 8–9 hrs long in which we covered following topics:

  1. Amazon Rekognition
  2. Amazon Polly
  3. Amazon Lex
  4. Amazon Kendra
  5. Amazon Comprehand
  6. Amazon CodeGuru
  7. Amazon Forecast
  8. Amazon Textract
  9. Amazon Fraud Detector
  10. Amazon Personalize
  11. Amazon Translate
  12. Amazon Transcribe

Apart from this I have learned alot many practical implementation on these topics. for eg: Chatbots, private search engine,etc.

Thank you Mr. Vimal Daga sir and Preeti Chandak Maam for organizing this mindblowing and educational workshop.

#AIonAWSbyLW #AIbyLW #AWSbyLW #AIworkshop #AIwithAWS #AWSworkshop #RightEducation #vimaldaga #makingindiafutureready

